CFM: Your Trusted Partner for Reliable Supply
Chains & Innovative Value-added Services
3D Modeling
As a service provider, CFM provides access to a digital workshop for advertising textile printing and innovative value-added solutions. Now, we're proud to introduce expert 3D modeling support for our top VIP customers.
* This service is exclusively available to our top 30-50 VIP customers annually. Currently, this service is not accessible for your account.
You can also click here to download the unbranded video.
3 Features of CFM’s 3D Modeling Support
Tailored Support
Enjoy the expert 3D modeling support tailored to your unique needs.
Visualize Success
Empower you with custom 3D installation videos.
Exclusive Service
Exclusively available to our top 30-50 VIP customers annually.
CFM’s Services
for Your Benefits
Phase 1
Graphic and Logo
In this stage, we'll create 3D modeling installation videos based on your uploaded logo or product sketch style.
Phase 2
Scene and Shot Customization
During the second phase, we will customize the scenes and shots of the videos to better align with your branding style.
Explore Products Available for 3D Modeling Installation Videos
(Check more videos at "My Account--My 3D Modeling Support")
20ft Wide SEG Light Box
13ft Wide SEG Light Box
6.6ft Wide SEG Light Box
3.3ft Wide SEG Light Box
Straight Tension Fabric Display
Fabric Banner Stand-Premium
Fabric Banner Stand-Standard
Double Sided Rollup Banner
4 Advantages You Can Enjoy
Customized High-Quality Videos
Receive personalized, high-quality product videos tailored to your needs.
Enhanced Product Understanding
Gain clarity with easy-to-understand product visualizations, reducing errors.
Efficient Installation & Assembly
Streamline processes with detailed installation instructions, leading to efficient assembly.
Error Reduction
Minimize mistakes and streamline workflows, ultimately saving time and resources.